Sunday, June 29, 2008

Stats Update

Some of you may know that math is NOT my favorite subject. I barely passed the Algebra they make you take in college just so you can get into the real algebra class. I managed to skip the real algebra class altogether but I had to face statistics during the spring term. It was only six weeks long but I was dreading it in a way that only someone who shares my math phobia can understand. My teacher, Jessica, was a grad student and really awesome,except that she insisted on class participation. Imagine me, who loves to talk, stuck in a class where I know absolutely nothing, and being forced to comment. Let's just say it was humbling. Many times, I would trip over my words and get concepts mixed up with each other. My friend, Michael, whose memory is entirely intact because he is 22 and hasn't had any children yet, consistently cheered me up by making me laugh, usually because he was making fun of me! My goal for the class was a D- so I could graduate. It would tank my GPA but I had to get over that. I got a 72 on my first test and it took two and a half hours to complete it. It was then that I realized one of the many reasons I didn't care for math. It takes too long. I grow impatient and miss details. The second test was worse, three hours long and it involved prayer, swearing and tears! It was a really quiet experience because I was in the BYU testing center and only some of those activities are approved! Twice, I wanted to get up and take my F. I knew I would fail the course and have to retake it in the fall. I struggled horribly and painstakingly earned as many points as I could. I got a 70 which was ten whole points more than I thought I would get. I about did a cartwheel and announced my meager grade to my classmates with pride. I was so grateful! I knew I needed to really study to pass the final. I dedicated a lot of time to it, as much as I realistically could. I did a 3 hour study session the night before with Michael, complete with an open door in a public setting. We both got a kick out of that! I had three friends in my class; Michael, Ammon and Travis who really took great care of me and explained things over and over patiently until I started to grasp it. Travis even trained me on how to use a graphing calculator which ended up saving me time. So, guess how I did on the final?????????????I will give you a hint. I did way better than I ever expected. I got a 91% on my final which gave me a B in the class I most dreaded. I have had many A's in my college career but this is the grade that I most proud of and most grateful for. I learned so much about something that I thought was too hard for me to understand. My mind expanded and I saw the purpose of Statistics and can even explain it and work the equations. It is no less than a miracle. To all of you who are afraid to take on something new, I challenge you to take the Lord by the hand and see what He can do with you. It was an amazing ride. I am so glad I didn't jump off prematurely and miss the lessons He wanted so badly to teach me. The main one being, I can do things with Him that are impossible for me to do without Him. He surrounded me with love, laughter and help from a group of good men who had hearts of gold. It was an incredibly fulfilling experience. I can say in all honesty, I am grateful for Statistics and all that I now know. I am better for it,academically and spiritually and that is what life is all about...becoming better.

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