Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I want to wait
On the edge of sleep
And join you when
Your slumber's deep
Haunt your dreams
So bittersweet
so when you wake up
You ache to keep
The touch you felt
Upon your face
The smell of me
A lingering embrace
You fold yourself
Inside again
Close your eyes
Recapture what's been
And try so hard
With all your might
To slide back into
The world of night
Where you and I
Are together at last
Not in the future
Or in the past
But for a brief moment
Time stands still
And we make love
And have our fill
But when you lay
Your body to sleep
You don't allow
Any dream to creep
Into your heart or
Into your mind
So though I search
I never find
And while I want
To haunt you now
You refuse
And won't allow
Dreams are wasted
My Love, on you
You miss all
That I could do
But that is true
In the light of day
So perhaps I am
Better off this way...

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