Monday, May 24, 2010

Rose-colored Glasses

I am one of those people who only gains understanding through experience. Today, after my car was hit and I thought my computer was stolen, I sorrowed for the world we live in and how things aren’t always fair. Just because you wouldn’t do something mean or hateful to someone doesn’t mean someone won’t do it to you, even if it is wrong and hurts you.

And then I realized that I don’t want to live in a world with selfishness and stealing and people who run off after they ram into someone else’s car. I want to live in a world where kindness and manners exist and people do the right thing—I want to believe in people and see their good and foster brotherhood and all the happy stuff Pollyanna talks about in her movie.

But life isn’t always like that, even when viewed through my rose colored glasses. I find that disappointing. Seriously, I cried. Not for the cost of the new bumper or for the cost of replacing the laptop but because I live in a world where people do that to each other.

And then I thought, there is so much worse that happens-horrible violence, death and divorce—small children wounded by the very hands that are supposed to love them—and I wondered why God allowed me to come here, knowing my heart is so tender. How did He think I would ever make it through?

I don’t know the answer to that, but I do know that I if I want to live in a world where love triumphs, I had better start loving, even those who run into my car or steal my computer. That is where hope lives, as hard as it is. It lives in forgiveness…all becomes right with the world when you give up your right to hate. So I did and now I feel better.

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