Sunday, March 23, 2008

Glorious Day

I can't let the sun go down on this Easter Sunday without sharing some thoughts about my Savior and the blessings I have received because of His infinite atonement. I realized this week how lucky I am to have gone through the trials that I have in the last eight months as well as all the trials of my lifetime. I have learned an incredible amount and have been carried through experiences that would have before been impossible for me to bear. I know the reason that I am succeeding is because of the love the Savior has for me and for the quiet direction that comes from the Spirit. I have been freed from things that have bound me over and over in my life. I understand complete victory through the Lord. And I am finally old enough to comprehend that those very trials are what have made me who I am and brought me closer to the Savior. Every complete victory I have ever experienced has come from being on my knees, admitting my inability to conquer alone and the subsequent strength and desire that comes directly from the Spirit. I feel so blessed to have had the journey that I have had because I know completely that He can do for me what I can not do for myself. I have experienced it first hand and my faith is steadfast and immovable based on the Savior's track record in my life. It doesn't matter if it is alcohol, sugar, lack of exercise, anger, pride or any other issue. What is fascinating to me is to actually understand the words of Paul when he talks about glorying in his infirmities because it increases his dependence on the Lord. I feel a tremendous amount of joy in the middle of great uncertainty about my future. I know for sure that Christ's gifts are continual. I need not wait for the happy ending at the end of my story but can feel the joy right in the middle of the path, whether I am beset about by pain or not. It no longer matters. I have agreed to bear the burdens of others. Sometimes that means that others will hurt me or judge me. Sometimes they are right and sometimes they are wrong. It matters not which. It only matters that I promised to bear the burdens and all of you wonderful people are bearing my burdens as well. When I think about the people who have been brought into my life to teach me, I am overwhelmed by the desire the Savior has to bless each one of us. I could list for pages the friends that I have and how they have added to my life. Some of the greatest lessons have come from those that have let me down and hurt me. Still others have held me while I have wept from the pain inflicted by others or even pain I inflicted upon myself. It is a beautiful symphony with everyone playing a profoundly important part. I am filled with such peace as I walk this path and I am inexplicably grateful for my testimony of my Savior and the way I feel in this moment. A thousands thanks to all of you who have helped me along my way. I hope that I can be a blessing rather than a burden in your lives. If I have been a burden, I thank you for allowing me my imperfections and loving me anyways.

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