Friday, December 28, 2007

God is...

God is compassionate
and so full of grace
He took the time
to memorize my face

God is love filled
He knows you and me
He looks with mercy
wanting us to see

God is capable
of all that I am not
He stays my hand
when I cannot stop

God is peaceful
when none should exist
He remembers my pain
and my struggle to resist

God is powerful
stronger than temptation
He holds me back
from receiving condemnation

God is faithful
He provides the victory
Every time I reach for Him
He rescues me

God is omnipotent
He knows my needs
He takes my hand
and gently leads

God is Victor
and I, too, with Him
in my weakest moments
I am freed from sin!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Following the Sun

I woke up early this morning
sun barely peeking over the hill
muted colors awashed in beauty
with the whole world still

I grabbed the keys
and jumped into the car
following the sun
the most glorious of stars

Winding down the road
past the hidden trees
I raced toward the sun
so I could be free

As I rounded the bend
sun reflected off the rock
tears ran down my face
as I silently took stock

Does the Sun
illuminate my face?
When you look at me
can you see His grace?

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

This burden on my back

I am weighed down
with this burden on my back
helping you get back to our Father
It feels heavier than I can bear
this burden on my back
like I can't carry it much farther
If I give it to our Savior
this burden on my back
will He help me carry it?
If I lay it upon the altar
this burden on my back
can it be lifted before I quit?
I want to be free
from this burden on my back
and let you get back on your own
If I let go of
this burden on my back
I will cause you pain unknown
So I will walk on
with this burden on my back
searching for the victory
I will try harder
with this burden on my back
and trust in eternity...

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Color Purple

I finished The Color Purple! I learned more about what Paul talks about in the New Testament when he speaks of being content no matter what state he is in. Celie, the main character, expects nothing, finds something that is extraordinary to her, and loses it. It threatens to destroy her, the loss is so profound. She stands strong and true and grows through the process. She learns to create, becomes independent, rethinks her thinking and finally becomes okay. She says if her great love returns, she will be happy. If not, she will be content. That is what made me think of the apostle Paul and the Savior and how He wants each one of us to enjoy our journey, regardless of our losses. He wants us to learn to be content in any circumstance because we have Him. That is a powerful message and one I need to further examine.